Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence
We conduct research on predicting the physical properties of molecules and generating molecular and crystal structures with specific properties through machine learning techniques.
We research quantum problems that are difficult to solve with classical computers using controllable quantum systems.
We perform electronic structure calculations on organic molecules and inorganic crystalline solids to predict their properties.
Click the images to learn more about our research.
Recent Publishments
Analog Quantum Simulation of Non-Condon Effects in Molecular Spectroscopy
Selected as the cover paper for
ACS Photonics (July 2021)

In this work, we present a linear optical implementation for analog quantum simulation of molecular vibronic spectra, incorporating the non-Condon scattering operation with a quadratically small truncation error. To date, analog and digital quantum algorithms for achieving quantum speedup have been suggested only in the Condon regime, which refers to a transition dipole moment that is independent of nuclear coordinates. For analog quantum optical simulation beyond the Condon regime (i.e., non-Condon transitions), the resulting nonunitary scattering operations must be handled appropriately in a linear optical network. In this paper, we consider the first- and second-order Herzberg–Teller expansions of the transition dipole moment operator for the non-Condon effect for implementation on linear optical quantum hardware. We believe that the method opens a new way to approximate arbitrary nonunitary operations in analog and digital quantum simulations. We report in silico simulations of the vibronic spectra for naphthalene, phenanthrene, and benzene to support our findings.
Our lab is home to amazing members.
You Kyoung Chung
Ph. D
Computational Chemistry
Artificial Intelligence
Jaehee Kim
Ph.D Candidate (5th yr)
Quantum Algorithm
Quantum Simulation
Minhyeok Kang
Combined MS/Ph.D Course (3th yr)
Quantum Algorithm
Quantum Simulation
Youngjun Park
Combined MS/Ph.D Course (2nd yr)
Quantum Computing
Quantum Algorithm
Shinwon Ham
MS Candidate (2nd yr.)
Density Functional Theory
Machine Learning
ML-Based Enantioselectivity
Kyoung An Park
Combined MS/Ph.D Course (1st yr)
Quantum Simulation
Quantum Chemistry
Jiyun Lee
Combined MS/Ph.D Course (1st yr)
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Location :
330328, Chemistry Building, Sungkyunkwan University,
2066, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
If you are curious about Professor Joonsuk Huh's researches:
허준석 교수님 이메일 : joonsukhuh (at)